Erik LundErik Lund was a founding partner of Posternak, Blankstein & Lund, LLP in 1980 and was its Senior Partner until his retirement from active practice. He continues as Senior Counsel to the firm’s litigation department. In more than 50 years of litigation practice, at both the trial and appellate level, he litigated and was responsible for the litigation of a wide range of cases, from antitrust and general business matters, to partnership disputes, environmental matters, intellectual property, product liability cases, and, as a concentration, the defense of professionals such as attorneys, accountants, and corporate officers and directors. He has tried well over 100 jury trials to conclusion and has argued dozens of reported appellate decisions, several of them the seminal and primary cases defining the law of legal malpractice in Massachusetts.

Erik is a graduate of Bowdoin College and Harvard Law School and was admitted to the bar in 1961. Since his retirement from active practice, he has served, pro bono, as General Counsel for WalkBoston, the pedestrian advocacy organization, on both Massachusetts and national issues, and for America Walks, a broader-based national organization serving similar interests. He also served on Mayor Menino’s Greenway Completion Task Force. A member of the Maine bar, he was a co-founder, editor and publisher of the Maine Lawyers Review, a publication similar to Massachusetts Law Review.

As an Access to Justice Fellow, Erik is working on several projects. First, he has helped the Access to Justice Commission to develop a pilot program to provide for pro bono representation of self-represented litigants in the appellate process. Second, he is working on strategic issues and fundraising initiatives with the Massachusetts IOLTA Committee. He is also volunteering with the Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers as a reader to help edit a treatise concerning the Massachusetts Rules of Professional Responsibility and the process and decisions of the BBO and the Supreme Judicial Court under those rules. And last, he is volunteering to assist WalkBoston, the statewide pedestrian advocacy organization, in its governance and fundraising activities.

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