Do you have questions about your current office lease? Is the lease renewal time fast approaching? Are you considering a move to new office space? Come and meet with real estate law specialists from a premier law firm who will review your current or proposed lease and provide expert consultation and advice. Space is very limited; apply early.
To register, please complete the following two steps by February 22:
1) Fill out this form AND
2) Email the lease you wish to have reviewed to Machiko Sano Hewitt.
9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Registration
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Consultation with Pro Bono Attorneys from DLA Piper LLP US
*Space is limited; register and email the lease early to secure your spot. In order to be part of the Consultation Session, the conflicts check will have to be cleared by the participating law firm.
This Commercial Lease program is a joint project of DLA Piper LLP US and Lawyers Clearinghouse.