Please scroll down to “Registration” to register.
9:00 am coffee/networking
Who is responsible for the budget, for raises, for staff satisfaction, for program development? There are many clear cut cases as to who is responsible for what, however, in some cases it’s not so clear. Come listen to a presentation about this often discussed subject, and participate in an interactive dialogue about typical situations that may arise in your nonprofit organization.
This workshop is recommended for Board members and Executive Directors.
Presenter: Teresa Santalucia, Klein Hornig LLP
Registration*: To register, please send attendee names, your organization name, and phone numberhere. Subject line: APR29 Legal Seminar.
Please register by April 21.
*Please note that registration is required, as there is limited seating for this workshop.
This seminar is a joint project of the Lawyers Clearinghouse and Jericho Road Lawrence.