Fellows Program

How We Help

The Access to Justice Fellows Program, a project of the Massachusetts Access to Justice Commission and the Lawyers Clearinghouse, enables senior lawyers and retired judges to partner with nonprofit organizations, courts, and other public service entities to increase equal justice for all.

Although lawyers are encouraged to provide pro bono services throughout their careers, they are not often offered a role to play after retirement. By matching senior lawyers with groups that need their help, the program allows these lawyers to use their specialized skills and experience to do engaging pro bono work, remain active members of the legal community, and help people and groups in need. 

Since 2012, over 200 Fellows have provided 200,000+ hours of pro bono service to Massachusetts nonprofit organizations, courts, and other public interest entities. 

Learn more about Past & Continuing Access to Justice Fellows

How to Participate

Thank you for your interest in the Access to Justice Fellows Program! The Fellows program runs from September to June each year, however you are welcome to apply at any time. 

Prospective Fellows:
If you are interested in becoming an Access to Justice Fellow, please read our Fellow Guidelines and fill out a Statement of Interest.

Prospective Partner Organizations:
If you are interested in hosting a Fellow at your organization, please read our Partner Organization Guidelines and Apply Now.

Contact Executive Director Susan Gedrick with any questions

Partner Organizations

Fellows have partnered with nearly 100 organizations and court programs since 2012.

American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts
Anti-Defamation League
Ascentria Care Alliance
Boston College Innocence Program
Boston Harbor Now
Boston Medical Center
Boston Public Market Association
Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston
Catie’s Closet
Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation at Harvard Law School
Chewonki Foundation
Citizen Schools
Codman Square NDC
Community Dispute Settlement Center
Community Legal Aid
Community Legal Services and Counseling Center
Conservation Law Foundation
Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children (Boston CASA)
Discovering Justice
Dismas House
Elizabeth Stone House
Environmental League of Massachusetts
Equal Justice Coalition
Fair Employment Project
Greater Boston Legal Services
Green Energy Consumers Alliance
Health Law Advocates
Hearth, Inc.
Holderness School
HomeStart, Inc.
International Senior Lawyers Project
Irish International Immigrant Center
Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action (JALSA)
Jewish Family & Children’s Service
Jobs Not Jails Coalition
Justice At Work
Justice Bridge Legal Center
Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)
Lawyers Clearinghouse
Massachusetts Access to Justice Commission
Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers
Massachusetts Appleseed Center for Law and Justice
Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office
Massachusetts Bar Foundation
Massachusetts Children’s Alliance
Massachusetts Equal Justice Foundation
Massachusetts IOLTA Committee
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute
Massachusetts Rivers Alliance
Massachusetts Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives
Massachusetts Trial Court, Court Service Centers
Massachusetts Specialty Courts, Veterans Treatment Court
Management Information Exchange
Medical Legal Partnership | Boston
Metrowest Legal Services
More Than Words
National Alliance on Mental Illness of Massachusetts
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
National Consumer Law Center
National Lawyers Guild, Massachusetts Chapter
New England Innocence Project
Northeast Legal Aid
Odd Hoc Group
One Can Help
Pension Action Center at UMass Boston
Political Asylum/Immigration Representation Project
Project Citizenship
Quality Education for Every Student
Rian Immigrant Center
Rosie’s Place
Saheli, Inc.
Senior Partners for Justice
Social Innovation Forum
SouthCoast Chamber
Student Clinic for Immigrant Justice
Suffolk University Law School
The Right to Immigration Institute
The Trustees of Reservations
University of Massachusetts School of Law – Dartmouth
Urban Farming Institute of Boston
Veterans Legal Services
Volunteer Lawyers Project
Waltham Alliance for Teaching, Community Organizing and Housing (WATCH CDC)
WilmerHale Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School
Women’s Bar Association
Women’s Bar Foundation
Women’s Suffrage Celebration Coalition of MA

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