Nolly Corley is in the process of retiring from the practice of law. She practiced in Edmonton and Toronto starting in the 1970s, and then moved to Boston in the mid 1980s. Until 2001, she practiced at Choate Hall & Stewart, where she concentrated her practice on estate planning and exempt organizations. In 2001, Nolly and Ned Hines left Choate, established a family office for a firm client, and thereby undertook an entirely new tack in their legal practice. In 2008, Nolly joined her (now late) husband, Michael Austin, in his boutique estate planning practice.

Nolly graduated from the University of Alberta Law School. She serves or has served on a number of boards of nonprofit organizations and foundations. 

For her Access to Justice Fellows Program project, Nolly will work with the Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation (CSNDC), providing estate planning advice and services to lower income area residents. The mission of CSNDC is to build a better, stronger community in Codman Square and South Dorchester by creating housing and commercial spaces that are safe, sustainable, and affordable, promoting financial and economic stability for residents and for the neighborhood, and providing residents of all ages with opportunities and skills to empower themselves to improve their lives. To help ensure that the homeownership and wealth building supported by its work in this traditionally African American/Afro- Caribbean community is not undone, CSNDC has begun to implement a multi prong strategy to address the threat of displacement in a targeted and impactful way. Codman Square NDC’s Economic Development (ECON) team launched an Estate Planning Program (EPP) to preserve our small and fragile homeownership base against the forces of displacement and equip homeowners with the tools to make informed financial decisions, and to preserve their biggest financial asset for their and future generations’ financial well-being. The EPP will help preserve our low/moderate income homeownership base by supporting development of affordable housing.

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