Nonprofit Programs

The Lawyers Clearinghouse Nonprofit Assistance Program connects Massachusetts nonprofits with pro bono legal assistance, education, and resources to help them strengthen their operations and support their communities. Continue reading to learn more about our services for prospective and established nonprofits.

Quick links: Legal Referral Program | Referral Application | Workshops and Consultations

Stay in touch! For updates on Lawyers Clearinghouse nonprofit workshops and consultations, sign up for our email list or check out the calendar.

Legal Referral Program

The Legal Referral Program connects eligible nonprofits with pro bono attorneys. It is designed to help nonprofits with requests for legal assistance on specific matters, while offering pro bono opportunities for lawyers from diverse practice areas. The Legal Referral Program enhances the ability of community-based nonprofits to move forward with their missions, advised by legal counsel. 

Pro bono attorneys assist with a variety of matters, including nonprofit formation, applying for determination of 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, bylaws review, governance policies, written information security programs, website terms and conditions, consent forms, commercial real estate, contracts, employment law, trademark registration, reinstatement of 501(c)(3) status, mergers and dissolutions, and fiscal sponsorships.

We try to find attorneys for all requests that qualify for referral, however we can’t promise that an attorney will be located for every matter. Please note that the referral process isn’t designed for urgent or time-sensitive matters. 


A referral fee is payable when a referral is made: $100 for new nonprofits, $200 for existing nonprofits. The referral fee may be reduced or waived if it would be difficult for an organization to pay; please let us know.  

Pro Bono Eligibility Guidelines 

Eligibility for a referral is primarily based on the following criteria:

  • The client is (i) a Massachusetts nonprofit corporation or someone forming a Massachusetts nonprofit corporation; or (ii) the director of a project fiscally sponsored (or seeking to be sponsored) by a tax-exempt organization, with the project either located in Massachusetts or comprehensively sponsored by a Massachusetts nonprofit;
  • The client provides services to people living with low or moderate income or other disadvantaged communities, or serves a compelling community need; and
  • The client is unable to afford legal services or the cost of obtaining assistance would adversely affect its ability to fulfill its mission. 

Apply for Pro Bono Legal Assistance

Apply for a pro bono referral.

For legal assistance in states other than Massachusetts, see Exponentum, a national network of business law pro bono providers: Exponentum

If you or your organization recently received help through the Lawyers Clearinghouse Nonprofit Assistance Program, please let us know your thoughts: Client Satisfaction Survey

Questions? Contact the Nonprofit Programs Manager by email or at 617.544.3434 ext. 108. 

Legal Workshops and Consultations

For upcoming legal workshops and consultations, sign up for our email list or check out the calendar.

Legal Workshops for Nonprofits 

We offer workshops on a wide range of legal issues. Guided by the expertise of pro bono attorneys, nonprofits keep current on important legal issues, learn about legal and regulatory requirements, improve their organizational management, and increase their ability to serve their communities.   

All nonprofit organizations, projects and start-ups are invited to attend our legal workshops. 

Nonprofit Incorporation Workshops

The 2-hour comprehensive Nonprofit Incorporation Workshop provides an overview of issues related to nonprofit formation, including incorporation and registration under Massachusetts law and applying to the IRS for recognition of tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3). Other topics include state and federal reporting and regulation, board duties, and federal tax rules applicable to 501(c)(3) organizations.  

Founders of nonprofit organizations and newly formed nonprofits are strongly encouraged to attend the Nonprofit Incorporation Workshop, which is offered several times each year.

We request a $25 registration fee per organization for the Nonprofit Incorporation Workshops. This fee supports Lawyers Clearinghouse, however if it is difficult to pay, you may register for the workshop without it.

Pro Bono Consultations 

Consultation events include a private session with a team of pro bono attorneys on a specific topic or type of legal document, often preceded by a workshop-style educational presentation. Topics of past consultations have included: Bylaws; WISP (Written Information Security Programs); nonprofit “wellness;” commercial leases; and choice of entities.

We request a $25 registration fee per organization for consultations. This fee supports Lawyers Clearinghouse, however if it is difficult to pay, you may register for the workshop without it.

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