Peter Ebb clerked for the Honorable Herbert P. Wilkins on the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court upon graduation from law school, before beginning a 30-year legal career at Ropes & Gray LLP, where he practiced in the labor and employment field before retiring as a partner at the end of 2019. In addition to his primary practice, Peter focused on election laws, government ethics, and campaign finance laws, and advised numerous hospitals, public and private schools, and colleges and universities, among other clients. Peter also served as chair of Ropes & Gray’s conflicts of interest committee and as one of two firm ethicists. 

Peter’s pro bono work has included a project during the early years of the pandemic to increase access to the COVID vaccine for individuals in low- and moderate-income communities. On a pro bono basis, he has also advised—and represented in agency proceedings—many nonprofit organizations on legal compliance in his practice areas. Peter has been a trustee of the Urban College of Boston for over 25 years, including 13 years as board chair, and recently completed a six-year term as a commissioner on the New England Commission of Higher Education, a regional accrediting body.  

Peter received his undergraduate degree from Harvard College and his JD from Boston University School of Law.

As an Access to Justice Fellow, Peter is looking at ways to improve the collective bargaining process for public school teachers and school committees in Massachusetts, with the intent of making those negotiations more productive and less likely to result in work stoppages, and with the ultimate goal of better serving the interests of students. 

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