Regina Healy (Regie), is a founding member of the law firm Healy, Fiske, Richmond & Matthew, LLP and has been practicing law for more than 35 years. A former Commissioner of the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, Regie has concentrated her practice in family law since 1980. Her goal in resolving divorce cases is to create and execute a plan for her client that is financially sensible and as secure as possible, while avoiding protracted litigation and attempting to keep the client’s fees manageable.
Regina is an active board member of Greater Boston Legal Services and an elected library trustee for the Town of Brookline. She has taught courses in family law at Northeastern University and Boston University law schools and has lectured for many years in continuing legal education programs and area law schools.
Regina will partner with the De Novo Center for Justice and Healing, where she will work with the family law and immigration programs. De Novo provides free civil legal assistance and affordable psychological counseling to low-income people to combat the effects of poverty and violence by helping clients and their children meet basic human needs for safety, income, health and housing.