Win Quayle is currently Senior Counsel at Ropes & Gray LLP where he advises broker-dealers and other investment firms on securities regulatory issues. He retired as a partner in the firm’s corporate department and as general counsel of the firm on December 31, 2016. He was previously chair of the firm’s corporate department. His pro bono activities have included work for Project Citizenship, which helps immigrants apply for US citizenship. He is a graduate of Williams College, Harvard Divinity School and George Washington University Law School.

For his Access to Justice Fellow project, Win will work with the Conservation Law Foundation (CLF). CLF protects New England’s environment for the benefit of all people, using the law, science and the market to create solutions that preserve our natural resources, build healthy communities, and sustain a vibrant economy. Win’s work will include in-house legal matters as well as advocacy projects, such as restoring habitats for keystone fish species, which are critical to the fishing economy and coastal ecosystem health, and whose populations have dropped dangerously low due to dams blocking their passage to upriver spawning habitats.

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