Join the Legal Clinic Panel at the Lawyers Clearinghouse

The Legal Clinic Panel is composed of volunteer attorneys that handle pro bono cases with the assistance of the Clearinghouse’s resources and mentoring capacity. Our pro bono clients are indigent individuals that stay at homeless shelters or are in danger of becoming homeless, and low-income families with children. The bulk of cases relate to housing, public benefits, and CORI issues. As a member of our Pro Bono Panel, you agree to receive open case summaries from us on a periodic basis. There is no obligation to take a case although we hope that members of the Panel will take at least one case each year.

If interested, contact Legal Clinic Director Mia Friedman at or at 617-778-2082, and feel free to take a look at our website.

Also, please consider attending our upcoming training, Landlord Tenant Law Basics, at the Boston Bar Association on Monday, November 14 from 3-6pm. The training will cover the basics of summary process law in landlord/tenant cases and how to represent both landlords and tenants in a summary process eviction matter. The speakers are: Hon. Jeffrey M. Winik, Boston Housing Court; Joanna Allison, Volunteer Lawyers Project, and Dick Bauer, National Consumer Law Center.