Meet the Honorees: Sara Frank

“I grew up in a family where civic engagement and volunteering were really important. When I became a lawyer, I realized there was a special responsibility and a special opportunity to be able to give back in a way that most people aren’t able to. I’ve always considered it a part of who I am as a lawyer and as a person.”

– Sara Frank, 2023 Pro Bono Excellence Honoree

Meet Sara Frank, Principal at Choate, Hall & Stewart, and the recipient of our 2023 Pro Bono Excellence Award!

Lawyers Clearinghouse staff chose to recognize Sara this year due to her ongoing dedication as a Clearinghouse volunteer and a clinic coordinator.

Sara was first connected with the Clearinghouse in 2015, when she joined Choate as an associate and jumped right into volunteering with the Legal Clinic for the Homeless program. In 2017 she started to co-manage the firm’s clinic involvement along with colleague Emily Hodge.

Today, Sara not only helps oversee Choate volunteers and their pro bono cases, but also continues to meet with and assist clients herself through our Legal Clinic and CORI Sealing Clinic programs.

Sara says that volunteering and managing clinics has given her greater insight into how the law can change a person’s life and has also allowed her to work with a wide range of inspiring and committed mentors, advocates, and fellow volunteers who are making a difference.

We look forward to celebrating Sara, as well as Nolan Leadership Honoree Rick Muraida, of Rockland Trust, and Community Impact Awardees Shelley Flaherty, Dita Obler, and Erinn Pearson, Co-founders of Community Conversations: Sister to Sister, at our 35th Annual Meeting.

Learn more about the event and join us on September 28!